Chen Guangjian (陈光健)

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Chen Guangjian (1936-2024) was born in Rongchang, Sichuan Province. Because she liked painting since she was a child, she was admitted to the Yucai Middle School founded by Tao Xingzhi at the age of 13 to receive professional art education. In 1953, she was admitted to the Chinese Painting Department of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and studied under famous painters such as Pan Tianshou, Fang Zengxian and Zhou Changgu. She taught at the Xi'an Fine Arts Academy from 1959 onwards, and continued creating significant works.

Ms. Chen was married to the artist Liu Wenxi, with whom she cooperated in poster design.

Li Xin (ed.), Glorious Course. Collection of New Year Pictures & Picture Posters (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe, 2016)

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